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About us

NDF Pakistan

National Disability & Development Forum (NDF) is a registered non-profit organization, Valid MOU with EAD (Economic Affairs Division), certified with Sindh Charity Commission, Certified with PCP (Pakistan Center for Philanthropy) & Tax Exempted NPO that has been working in Sindh in the fields of Disability Rights (Women/Youth/Child), SRHR, Health & Immunization, Environment/Alternative Energy, Food Security & Activate Windows Nutrition, Poverty Reduction, WASH, DRR/CBDRM, Democratization and Gender Mainstreaming since 2014

NDF opposes all forms of discrimination; and respects the rights and dignity of people irrespective of their ethnic, social, religious or political differences; and gives priority to meeting the needs and addressing the rights of the most disadvantaged communities and vulnerable segments of society. NDF has successfully implemented several projects in collaboration with a number of national and international partners/donors that includes Government of Sindh & Pakistan, INGOs includes USAID, Concern Worldwide, Pathfinder International, GlobalGiving Foundation-USA, IOM, Iltizam Relief Society, Malaysia, Rehabilitation International (RI-Korea), DAI, IUCN, Handicap International (HI), Transparency International, UNESCO, High Commission New Zealand, Abilis Foundation Finland, Acumen, National NGOs includes Mojaz Foundation, Indus Consortium, TDEA (Trust for Democratic Education & Accountability), Awaz CDS Foundation, HRCP (Human Rights Commission of Pakistan), PODA Pakistan, Focus Pakistan, LEAD Pakistan, Hashoo Foundation, PHC Global, SPO, NOWPDP & Pakistan US. Alumni Network (PUAN) Sukkur chapter & others, Corporate sector-CSR by HBL Foundation, SSGC, CDC, Engro Foundation, Sukkur Beverages limited, NBP, Meezan Bank & individual philanthropists. others. NDF has highly qualified, experienced and dedicated team on its both board and the management side. The organization has very strong systems and policies, External and Internal Audit System and Complaint Response Mechanism.

An inclusive & accessible society in which everybody including poor, marginalized and disadvantaged communities (Persons with Disabilities, Children, Women) have equal opportunities and facilities Mission Empowerment of people with/without disabilities through awareness, skill development, access to health, education, livelihood & recreational services and enhancing the life standard in qualitative and quantitative terms Objectives VI To empower marginalized groups through promoting their dignity/self-reliance and mainstreaming To promote Health/Rehabilitation/Habilitation of children with disabilities through life therapies (Psychotherapy, Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy & Occupational Therapy& Independent living) To promote quality education both academic and technical in under privileged communities To promote awareness on climate change adaptation and create disaster resilience in the most vulnerable communities and CBDRM approach To improve the livelihoods of disadvantaged Youth/Women empowerment by reducing their poverty and hunger through Skill Development & alternate livelihood resources. Gender mainstreaming through reducing GBV, discrimination, acceptance & dignity. Health (Preventive, Mobilization, Immunization, Polio Campaigning, Demand Generation)

Human Rights Disability Rights, Women, Children, Youth, Trans & Labor & Minority Rights. Rehabilitation Rehabilitation of Children with Intellectual Disabilities/Mental Health Environmental Education/Climate Change Climate Change is one of hard issue of world to be addressed, NDF is working at community level to engage in environmental education & awareness. Emergency Response Inclusive Emer6aCritiVRbepWt@dov\, during Calamities, Climate Change, CBDRM & Clean Energy, ECO System & Environment sustainability SRHR (Sexual & Report) during Calamities, Climate Change, CBDRM & Clean Energy, ECO System & Environment sustainability SRHR (Sexual & Reproductive Health & Rights SRHR/GBV/Community Policing, Gender mainstreaming, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of marginalized Groups/ Advancing Women’s equality & human Rights. Livelihoods, Livelihood, Food Security & Nutrition Health (Preventive and Curative) & Democratization/Immunization/Vaccination/Polio Drives. WASH Provision of Clean & Drinking Water through installing Hand pumps, Water Reservoirs, provision Hygiene Kits, accessible Toilets for persons with/without disabilities (Fund raised from Global Giving) Peace building Promote Interfaith harmony, peace building initiatives: brotherhood, Humanity, equality.

Disability & Development The Disability is core area of priority of NDF to promote inclusion of persons with disabilities at all spheres of life through Advocacy on local law on disability (SEPDA-2018), Right Based Approaches, Service Delivery, Research and International Relations. Women Rights/SRHR We focus on issues that are of vital importance to women, girls, and trans people & people with disabilities under SRHR & GBV. Education/Livelihood We focus on skill development of persons with disabilities especially women with disabilities for dignified access to livelihood through training, career counseling & job seeking skills. Emergency Response We focus on inclusive emergency response in natural & man-made crises. Livelihood We focus on issues of Malnutrition to reduce disability & diseases in the area. Health Education We focus to generate public demand on vaccinations, polio drops, immunizations & population controls through engaging community interventions. WASH Activate Windows We do provide accessible wash facilities to marginalized communities.

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