One Room Shelters (ORS) Funded by: Global Giving
Due to strong Monsoon wave in Pakistan, particularly Province Sindh received heavy rain fall resulting in unexpected flash floods. Excessive raining on July 24th and onwards caused flash floods in Nawabshah District Shaheed Benazir Abad. Hundreds of thousands of people have been stranded by relentless rains and swirling floods. Approx. 29,000 houses were destroyed and over 200 deaths were reported in the district. As in Rural Sindh, a large number of people live in houses made of mud which increases the intensity risk. So, far 29000 houses are either destroyed/partially damaged or not in livable condition in the focused communities. Following the heavy rain, Provincial Disaster Management Authority declared emergency. In Collaboration of GlobalGiving Foundation NDF rebuilt more than 10 Houses in Union Council Jam Sahib District Shaheed Benazir Abad. NDF has planned to reconstruct 1000 ORS-One Room shelters in District Shaheed Benazir Abad.
- Human Rights Advocacy funded by Human Rights Department, Sindh
- I AM THE CHANGE AWARD 2022 funded by Engro Foundation